



发布日期:2024-06-02 05:49    点击次数:59

www.satois.com古往今来,世界给人们留下了众多的历史谜团、离奇事件,我们已熟知的种种谜团还没有得到破解,而新的更加惊魂的谜团又接踵而至。这些匪夷所思的世界未解之谜激发着我们不断地增长探求神秘的好奇心......通过本书,读者能够真切地感受到谜底层层揭开,真相娓娓道来的那种畅快;更能体会零距离接触世界文化和历史,全方位透视人性和历史智慧的感觉。For ages, the world has brought us a large number of historical mysteries and absurd incidents. Various mysteries that we have known very well have not been resolved, but more new frightened mysteries have been emerging one after another, which stimulate our growing curiosity of exploring mysteries ... Through the book, readers experience enjoyment truly of revealing answers of mysteries gradually and their truth told in a smooth manner. More important, they can appreciate the world culture and history in zero-distance and examine humanity and historical wisdom all round. 古往今来,世界给人们留下了众多的历史谜团、离奇事件,我们已熟知的种种谜团还没有得到破解,而新的更加惊魂的谜团又接踵而至。这些匪夷所思的世界未解之谜激发着我们不断地增长探求神秘的好奇心......通过本书,读者能够真切地感受到谜底层层揭开,真相娓娓道来的那种畅快;更能体会零距离接触世界文化和历史,全方位透视人性和历史智慧的感觉。For ages, the world has brought us a large number of historical mysteries and absurd incidents. Various mysteries that we have known very well have not been resolved, but more new frightened mysteries have been emerging one after another, which stimulate our growing curiosity of exploring mysteries ... Through the book, readers experience enjoyment truly of revealing answers of mysteries gradually and their truth told in a smooth manner. More important, they can appreciate the world culture and history in zero-distance and examine humanity and historical wisdom all round. Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. You can still place a hold on the title, and your hold will be automatically filled as soon as the title is available again. Your session has expired. Please sign in again so you can continue to borrow titles and access your Loans, Wish list, and Holds pages. Add a library card to your account to borrow titles, place holds, and add titles to your wish list. The library card you previously added can't be used to complete this action. Please add your card again, or add a different card. If you receive an error message, please contact your library for help.


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